Monday, January 22, 2007

Awards Ceremony/ Ceremonia de Premación, Feb. 2

The 2nd Quarter Awards Ceremony will be held February 2, 2007.
La Ceremonia de Premación, el 2 Febrero 2007.

We invite all parents and guardians to attend their children's awards ceremony.
Le invita a apoyar a su hijo o hija en la ceremonia de premiación.


10:53-11:33 Kindergarten
12:03-12:43 2nd Grade
12:50-1:30 4th Grade
1:30-2:10 5th Grade
2:13-2:58 3rd Grade
2:58-3:38 1st Grade

There will be a short reception of punch and cookies following each ceremony.
Galletas y Fresco!

It has been proven that when parents support their children, children achieve higher academic success.

Hasta luego!
See you soon!


Ralph said...

Great addition to our school communiation package to our parents and community. Thank you, Laura, for making this happen. Mr. Damon

Momof3boys said...

I am glad to see information like this that is easily accessible. Are there any other websites that are connected with the school?
Will there be information about the Before and After School Program or Power Hour on this site?
Just wanted to know.

North Rock Creek/ Korte said...

We will try to post current information about Before and After School Care and Power Hour on this site.
Thanks for the suggestion!